While her show is ofttimes hilarious, pointed criticism (at ie., o'reilly, bush, hannity, etc.) at times well deserved, and Jim Ward's impressions superb, to herself and others as to the following topics/realities/truths, she is at once delusional and/or disingenuous and at best, a 'lying sack of crap' (her term):
- 8 years of clinton breaches of security and 911
- 8 years of squandered cold war victory and new national decline
- the israeli/jewish/mossad role in u.s. invovement in mideast conflict/war purposely ignored at times by her (probably in blind reverence to the memory of her "Nuremburg father"). You cannot be anti-war without recognizing israel's global role in contriving/causing same, etc.. Moreover, she gives hillbilly hill clinton a pass regarding a position on the Iraq war hill voted for, while railing about the Iraq war, and never mentions the hillbilly clinton induced deaths of in excess of more than 1 million Iraqi children, in addition to "wag-the-dog" cruise missle bombings of Iraq.
- most dems/libs voted for war and kerry while campaigning also said he would have invaded Iraq. Both democrats and republicans are frauds, are corrupt and criminal.
- I among others was against and warned against said war (ie., on my web site before the invasion, even before the mobilization of troops)
- clinton rapes-barbara boxer silence, but she was vociferous and unrelenting in insisting upon the removal of Bob Packwood for "a stolen kiss".
- clinton links to communist china - bye bye jobs, etc.
- crime stats - who's committing them
- She needs to get a place in ie., Compton, etc., and then discuss her empathy for her neighbors
- more to follow..........................
- clinton "got a pass" on many more significant crimes, even from those frauds fisk and starr (who allowed star witness McDougal's death in Texarkanassas), but they did make money on same. At best, hillbilly clinton was a prolific if not great (she says great) criminal.
- She was "strung up" (hung by her neck) by her brother (as a child), threatened by (and shot with) his bb gun (as a child), which probably has led to her anti death penalty, anti (2nd amendment) gun positions
- (6-14-06) I sampled the show after quite some time and can report that "mama", "stephania", etc., is on a manic high. Indeed, this neurosis-plagued person (by her own admission is so uptight that she has to tickle her own behind on the toilet in order to relax enough to tinkle) has through omission (ie., recent trip, credit, etc.) and somewhat (beyond joking) disparaging remarks, belittled the talented and intelligent Jim Ward, without whom her show would be nothing. He is too talented to take that "s**t" and should leave for better opportunities consistent with his talent!
Despite the foregoing, she is very funny and on balance positive for that reason alone.